308 Movies To Watch Before You Die

These days, it feels like there are 1,896 new movies coming at you from all corners, every single week. Some are memorable and excellent, many are...less so. It’s an embarrassment of riches, but wow, is it also option overload. 

That’s why we’re bringing curation back into your life. The way that tiny but excellent indie theater down the block from you used to do. 

Behold: Our list of 308 truly great, undeniable films worth watching, rewatching, and discussing with anyone and everyone. Stories and characters you can really sink your teeth into, hand-picked by our very own founder and CEO, Erik Feig, inspired by the legendary 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die book by Steven Jay Schneider. These films, spanning the silent era through 2002, have stood the test of time, and feel just as relevant today as they did on the day they were released. So, peruse the bucket list (we’ve got streaming/renting/buying links for every single one of them below), pick a favorite, and get started watching.


Les Vampires

D: L Feuillade

Y: 1915


D: B Christensen

Y: 1922


Sherlock Jr.

D: B Keaton

Y: 1924

The Gold Rush

D: C Chaplin

Y: 1925


The Big Parade

D: K Vidor

Y: 1925


D: F Lang

Y: 1931


Little Caesar

D: M LeRoy

Y: 1931

All Quiet on the Western Front

D: L Milestone

Y: 1930


Trouble in Paradise

D: E Lubitsch

Y: 1932

42nd Street

D: L Bacon

Y: 1933


Gold Diggers of 33

D: M LeRoy

Y: 1933

Duck Soup

D: L McCarey

Y: 1933


It’s a Gift

D: N McLeod

Y: 1934


D: J Vigo

Y: 1934


It Happened One Night

D: F Capra

Y: 1934

The Thin Man

D: W.S. Van Dyke

Y: 1934


My Man Godfrey

D: G La Cava

Y: 1936

Grand Illusion

D: J Renoir

Y: 1937


The Awful Truth

D: L McCarey

Y: 1937

Bringing Up Baby

D: H Hawks

Y: 1938


The Wizard of Oz

D: V Fleming

Y: 1939

His Girl Friday

D: H Hawks

Y: 1940

The Philadelphia Story

D: G Cukor

Y: 1940


Citizen Kane

D: O Welles

Y: 1941

The Lady Eve

D: P Sturges

Y: 1941


The Maltese Falcon

D: J Huston

Y: 1941


Sullivan’s Travels

D: P Sturges

Y: 1941


D: M Curtiz

Y: 1942


The Ox Bow Incident

D: W Wellman

Y: 1943

Rome Open City

D: R Rossellini

Y: 1945


The Lost Weekend

D: L Feuillade

Y: 1945


Brief Encounter

D: D Lean

Y: 1945

The Best Years of Our Lives

D: W Wyler

Y: 1946

Beauty and the Beast

D: J Cocteau

Y: 1946


The Big Sleep

D: H Hawks

Y: 1946


D: A Hitchcock

Y: 1946


The Bicycle Thief

D: V De Sica

Y: 1948

Red River

D: H Hawks

Y: 1948


Treasure of the Sierra Madre

D: J Huston

Y: 1948

Kind Hearts & Coronets

D: R Hamer

Y: 1949


Adam’s Rib

D: G Cukor

Y: 1949

The Third Man

D: C Reed

Y: 1949


The Asphalt Jungle

D: J Huston

Y: 1950


D: A Kurosawa

Y: 1950


All About Eve

D: J Mankiewicz

Y: 1950

Sunset Boulevard

D: B Wilder

Y: 1950


Strangers on a Train

D: A Hitchcock

Y: 1951

The Lavender Hill Mob

D: C Crichton

Y: 1951


The African Queen

D: J Huston

Y: 1951

Singin’ in the Rain

D: S Donen & G Kelly

Y: 1952


The Bad & The Beautiful

D: V Minnelli

Y: 1952

High Noon

D: F Zinnemann

Y: 1952


The Earrings of Madame De…

D: M Ophuls

Y: 1953

Roman Holiday

D: W Wyler

Y: 1953


Wages of Fear

D: H-G Clouzot

Y: 1953

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

D: H Hawks

Y: 1953


The Big Heat

D: F Lang

Y: 1953

M. Hulot’s Holiday

D: J Tati

Y: 1953



D: G Stevens

Y: 1953

On the Waterfront

D: E Kazan

Y: 1954


Rear Window

D: A Hitchcock

Y: 1954

A Star is Born

D: G Cukor

Y: 1954


Seven Samurai

D: A Kurosawa

Y: 1954

Guys and Dolls

D: J Mankiewicz

Y: 1955


Bad Day at Black Rock

D: J Sturges

Y: 1955

Rebel Without a Cause

D: N Ray

Y: 1955


Night of the Hunter

D: C Laughton

Y: 1955

The Searchers

D: J Ford

Y: 1956


Invasion of the Body Snatchers

D: D Siegel

Y: 1956

12 Angry Men

D: S Lumet

Y: 1957


Wild Strawberries

D: I Bergman

Y: 1957

Nights of Cabiria

D: F Fellini

Y: 1957


Bridge on River Kwai

D: D Lean

Y: 1957

Sweet Smell of Success

D: A Mackendrick

Y: 1957


Touch of Evil

D: O Welles

Y: 1958

The Music Room

D: S Ray



The 400 Blows

D: F Truffaut


North by Northwest

D: A Hitchcock

Y: 1959


Some Like It Hot

D: B Wilder

Y: 1959

Anatomy of a Murder

D: O Preminger

Y: 1959


The World of Apu

D: S Ray

Y: 1959


D: R Bresson

Y: 1959


Rio Bravo

D: H Hawks

Y: 1959

La Dolce Vita

D: F Fellini

Y: 1960



D: A Hitchcock

Y: 1960

The Apartment

D: B Wilder

Y: 1960



D: S Kubrick

Y: 1960

Jules and Jim

D: F Truffaut

Y: 1962


The Hustler

D: R Rossen

Y: 1961

West Side Story

D: J Robbins & R Wise

Y: 1961


Lawrence of Arabia

D: D Lean

Y: 1962

To Kill a Mockingbird

D: R Mulligan

Y: 1962



D: S Kubrick

Y: 1962

8 1/2

D: F Fellini

Y: 1963


The Great Escape

D: J Sturges



D: G Hamilton

Y: 1964


Dr. Strangelove

D: S Kubrick

Y: 1964

Doctor Zhivago

D: D Lean

Y: 1965


The Sound of Music

D: R Wise

Y: 1965



D: M Antonioni

Y: 1966

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

D: S Leone

Y: 1966


In the Heat of the Night

D: N Jewison

Y: 1967

The Graduate

D: M Nichols

Y: 1967


Le Samuraï

D: JP Melville

Y: 1967

Cool Hand Luke

D: S Rosenberg

Y: 1967


Point Blank

D: J Boorman

Y: 1967

Bonnie and Clyde

D: A Penn

Y: 1967


The Jungle Book

D: W Reitherman

Y: 1967

Planet of the Apes

D: F Schaffner

Y: 1968


2001: A Space Odyssey

D: S Kubrick

Y: 1968


Night of the Living Dead

D: G Romero

Y: 1968

Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid

D: G R Hill

Y: 1969


Midnight Cowboy

D: J Schlesinger

Y: 1969

The Conformist

D: B Bertolucci

Y: 1970


The Wild Bunch

D: S Peckinpah

Y: 1969

Five Easy Pieces

D: B Rafelson

Y: 1970



D: M Wadleigh

Y: 1970


D: F Schaffner

Y: 1970



D: R Altman

Y: 1970

Gimme Shelter

D: A & D Maysles

Y: 1970


A Clockwork Orange

D: S Kubrick

Y: 1971

McCabe & Mrs Miller

D: R Altman

Y: 1971



D: A Pakula

Y: 1971

Harold and Maude

D: H Ashby

Y: 1971


The French Connection

D: W Friedkin

Y: 1971

Dirty Harry

D: D Siegel

Y: 1971


Straw Dogs

D: S Peckinpah

Y: 1971

The Heartbreak Kid

D: E May

Y: 1972



D: B Fosse

Y: 1972


D: J Boorman

Y: 1972


The Godfather

D: F Coppola

Y: 1972

The Sting

D: G R Hill

Y: 1973



D: T Malick

Y: 1973

American Graffiti

D: G Lucas

Y: 1973


Mean Streets

D: M Scorsese

Y: 1973

The Long Goodbye

D: R Altman

Y: 1973



D: S Lumet

Y: 1973


The Exorcist

D: W Friedkin

Y: 1973

The Conversation

D: F Coppola

Y: 1974


Woman Under the Influence

D: Cassavetes

Y: 1974

Young Frankenstein

D: M Brooks

Y: 1974


Blazing Saddles

D: M Brooks

Y: 1974


The Godfather, Part II

D: F Coppola

Y: 1974

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

D: M Forman

Y: 1975


Monty Python & The Holy Grail

D: T Gilliam & T Jones

Y: 1975


D: R Altman

Y: 1975



D: S Spielberg

Y: 1975


D: B De Palma

Y: 1976


All the President’s Men

D: A Pakula

Y: 1976


D: J Avildsen

Y: 1976


Taxi Driver

D: M Scorsese

Y: 1976


D: S Lumet

Y: 1976


Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

D: G Lucas

Y: 1977

Close Encounters, of the Third Kind

D: S Spielberg

Y: 1977


Saturday Night Fever

D: J Badham

Y: 1977



D: D Lynch

Y: 1977

The Deer Hunter

D: M Cimino

Y: 1978



D: R Kleiser

Y: 1978

Days of Heaven

D: T Malick

Y: 1978



D: R Scott

Y: 1979

Breaking Away

D: P Yates

Y: 1979


All That Jazz

D: B Fosse

Y: 1979

Being There

D: H Ashby

Y: 1979


Kramer v Kramer

D: R Benton

Y: 1979

Apocalypse Now

D: F Coppola

Y: 1979


The Jerk

D: C Reiner

Y: 1979


Mad Max

D: G Miller

Y: 1979

Ordinary People

D: R Redford

Y: 1980


The Shining

D: S Kubrick

Y: 1980

Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

D: I Kershner

Y: 1980


The Big Red One

D: S Fuller

Y: 1980


D: J Abrahams, D & J Zucker

Y: 1980


Raging Bull

D: M Scorsese

Y: 1980

Raiders of the Lost Ark

D: S Spielberg

Y: 1981


Das Boot

D: W Petersen

Y: 1981


D: P Weir

Y: 1981


Fast Times at Ridgemont High

D: A Heckerling

Y: 1982


D: S Spielberg

Y: 1982


The Thing

D: J Carpenter

Y: 1982


D: T Hooper

Y: 1982


Blade Runner

D: R Scott

Y: 1982


D: S Pollack

Y: 1982



D: B Levinson

Y: 1982

Fanny and Alexander

D: I Bergman

Y: 1982


Big Chill

D: Kasdan

Y: 1983

Terms of Endearment

D: J Brooks

Y: 1983


The Right Stuff

D: P Kaufman

Y: 1983


Sugar Cane Alley

D: E Palcy

Y: 1983



D: B De Palma

Y: 1983

Once Upon a Time in America

D: S Leone

Y: 1984


D: M Forman

Y: 1984


The Terminator

D: J Cameron

Y: 1984

Nightmare on Elm Street

D: W Craven

Y: 1984


This is Spinal Tap

D: R Reiner

Y: 1984

Beverly Hills Cop

D: M Brest

Y: 1984


Ghost Busters

D: I Reitman

Y: 1984

The Breakfast Club

D: J Hughes

Y: 1985



D: A Kurosawa

Y: 1985

Out of Africa

D: S Pollack

Y: 1985


Back to the Future

D: R Zemeckis

Y: 1985


D: J Itami

Y: 1985

Stand By Me

D: R Reiner

Y: 1986


Blue Velvet

D: D Lynch

Y: 1986


She’s Gotta Have It

D: S Lee

Y: 1986

The Fly

D: D Cronenberg

Y: 1986



D: J Cameron

Y: 1986

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

D: J Hughes

Y: 1986



D: O Stone

Y: 1986


Top Gun

D: T Scott

Y: 1986

Raising Arizona

D: J Coen

Y: 1987


Full Metal Jacket

D: S Kubrick

Y: 1987

Broadcast News

D: J Brooks

Y: 1987


The Princess Bride

D: R Reiner

Y: 1987


D: N Jewison

Y: 1987


The Dead

D: J Huston

Y: 1987

Fatal Attraction

D: A Lyne

Y: 1987


Women on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown

D: P Almdovar

Y: 1988

The Vanishing

D: G Sluizer

Y: 1988



D: K Otomo

Y: 1988

Fish Called Wanda

D: C Crichton

Y: 1988



D: P Marshall

Y: 1988

Dangerous Liaisons

D: S Frears

Y: 1988


Die Hard

D: J McTiernan

Y: 1988


Salaam Bombay!

D: M Nair

Y: 1988


Who Framed Roger Rabbit

D: R Zemeckis

Y: 1988


Rain Man

D: B Levinson

Y: 1988

When Harry Met Sally

D: R Reiner

Y: 1989


Drugstore Cowboy

D: G Van Sant

Y: 1989


The Killer

D: J Woo

Y: 1989

Do The Right Thing

D: S Lee

Y: 1989


Sex, Lies, and Videotape

D: S Soderbergh

Y: 1989

Say Anything

D: C Crowe

Y: 1989


Reversal of Fortune

D: B Schroeder

Y: 1990


D: M Scorsese

Y: 1990


Dances with Wolves

D: K Costner

Y: 1990

Europa Europa

D: A Holland

Y: 1990


Pretty Woman

D: G Marshall

Y: 1990

Total Recall

D: P Verhoeven

Y: 1990



D: R Linklater

Y: 1990

Boyz’n the Hood

D: J Singleton

Y: 1991

Naked Lunch

D: D Cronenberg

Y: 1991


My Own Private Idaho

D: G Van Sant

Y: 1991

Thelma and Louise

D: R Scott

Y: 1991


Terminator 2

D: J Cameron

Y: 1991

The Silence of the Lambs

D: J Demme

Y: 1991



D: O Stone

Y: 1991


Strictly Ballroom

D: B Luhrmann

Y: 1992

The Player

D: R Altman

Y: 1992


Reservoir Dogs

D: Q Tarantino

Y: 1992

A League of Their Own

D: P Marshall

Y: 1992


D: C Eastwood

Y: 1992



D: B Rose

Y: 1992

Groundhog Day

D: H Ramis

Y: 1993

Sleepless in Seattle

D: N Ephron

Y: 1993


Jurassic Park

D: S Spielberg

Y: 1993

Age of Innocence

D: M Scorsese

Y: 1993


Schindler’s List

D: S Spielberg

Y: 1993

Hoop Dreams

D: S James

Y: 1994


Forrest Gump

D: R Zemeckis

Y: 1994

Four Weddings and a Funeral

D: M Newell

Y: 1994


The Lion King

D: R Allers & R Minkoff

Y: 1994

Natural Born Killers

D: O Stone

Y: 1994


Pulp Fiction

D: Q Tarantino

Y: 1994

Shawshank Redemption

D: F Darabont

Y: 1994


Heavenly Creatures

D: P Jackson

Y: 1994


D: C Noonan

Y: 1995


Toy Story

D: J Lasseter

Y: 1995


D: M Gibson

Y: 1995



D: A Heckerling

Y: 1995


D: M Mann

Y: 1995



D: D Fischer

Y: 1995

The Usual Suspects

D: B Singer

Y: 1995



D: J Coen

Y: 1996

The English Patient

D: A Minghella

Y: 1996


Lone Star

D: J Sayles

Y: 1996


D: D Boyle

Y: 1996



D: W Craven

Y: 1996

Princess Mononoke

D: H Miyazaki

Y: 1997


The Ice Storm

D: A Lee

Y: 1997

Boogie Nights

D: P T Anderson

Y: 1997



D: J Cameron

Y: 1997

Saving Private Ryan

D: S Spielberg

Y: 1998


Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels

D: G Ritchie

Y: 1998

Run Lola Run

D: T Tykwer

Y: 1998



D: W Anderson

Y: 1998


D: D Aronofsky

Y: 1998


There’s Something About Mary

D: B & P Farrelly

Y: 1998

Three Kings

D: D O Russell

Y: 1999


Fight Club

D: D Fincher

Y: 1999

Being John Malkovich

D: S Jonze

Y: 1999


The Virgin Suicides

D: S Coppola

Y: 1999

The Matrix

D: L & L Wachowski

Y: 1999

Boys Don’t Cry

D: K Peirce

Y: 1999


American Psycho

D: M Harron

Y: 2000

Love and Basketball

D: G Prince-Bythewood

Y: 2000


In the Mood for Love

D: K Wong

Y: 2000



D: R Scott

Y: 2000

Requiem for a Dream

D: D Aronofsky

Y: 2000

Meet the Parents

D: J Roach

Y: 2000

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

D: A Lee

Y: 2000


D: C Nolan

Y: 2000

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

D: J Coen

Y: 2000



D: JP Jeunet

Y: 2001

Spirited Away

D: H Miyazaki

Y: 2001


Monsoon Wedding

D: M Nair

Y: 2001

The Royal Tenenbaums

D: W Anderson

Y: 2001


The Lord of the Rings

D: P Jackson

Y: 2001


D: R Marshall

Y: 2002


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